Senior Process Metallurgist

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Job Info
Job Status: Open
No of Vacancies: 1
Date Posted: August 2, 2024
Expiry Date: December 31, 2024
Job Type: Full Time
Job Level: Any
Years of Experience: 2
Salary Info
Salary Type: Negotiable
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The Senior Process Metallurgist will be responsible for ensuring that all Materials Manufacturing processes at the Company produce quality materials. Will curate documentation and control process parameter tolerances for each operation, and clearly translate requirements to process documentation, bills of materials, and routings. Based on data gathered and expertise, the Senior Process Metallurgist will also identify and recommend the most appropriate materials and processing methods for specific applications.



  • The Senior Process Metallurgist is responsible for understanding synthesis-structure-property-performance relationships in materials, and what equipment can be used to achieve a particular materials engineering aim.
  • Must understand the mechanical workings of, and control systems used in, a variety of thermal and mechanical processing equipment including furnaces, rolling mills, wire drawing machines, etc.
  • Optimized existing processes as well as designing new ones. Evaluate processes and workflows to identify opportunities for improvement. Meet with Production Managers to assess existing processes and prioritize improvement projects.
  • Work closely with maintenance personnel and external contractors to maximize quality and production.
  • The Senior Process Metallurgist must translate materials processing requirements into quality documentation or bills of materials/routings in an ERP system as required.
  • Prepare product and process reports by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing information and trends.